“We are getting into a situation where it is a war against us. I hope Trump wins because . . . he’s our last defense against some of these people, and that’s why they have been trying to steal this election. . . . They are promoting this great reset–and it’s communism. These people think this is good for the climate, but they are going to find out they are selling out, not just themselves, but their families and all posterity.”
it's always nice to be with you martin
i've been calling this the
biggest election fraud in the history of
the free
world and in the pre-interview you said
our computers predicted it would you
please explain
well our computer's been ever since
uh really from it picked the peak in
western government and that was 2015.75
then trump won in 16. brexit won
i mean um i mean even
nigel farage came to our conference in
in rome and he said
you know we were the only ones that even
forecasted brexit would win
uh so it's the computer doesn't ask my
opinion or anybody else's it just goes
on the numbers
from the economic data and it's never
been wrong
um it and it said
even all right besides 16
on those elections then for this one it
said that
uh it would be the most corrupt election
in american history
and i think i published that out like at
least two years ago
but i mean people have to understand
this isn't my opinion
uh i mean this has gone far beyond
i would have anticipated um i mean i
every election you had dead people
voting i mean that's pretty standard
that's never
that's not something new um
and perhaps in our wills we should put a
clause in there if we're going to
continue to vote after we're dead
who it will be for you know but um
it this is just it's off the charts
i mean this is the left and they're so
desperate to take over the united states
and i mean i can tell you without any
you know nonsense i mean i was asked if
i would be interested in helping
redesigning the world economy again
and i i went down to to washington in
invited 35 of us when they were forming
the g5
and the way it really works is they
pretend to listen to
experts and you get there and it's like
gee how do we save the world
oh very sorry your 15 minutes is up next
then they stand up and say what they
wanted to do to begin with
and it had nothing to do with what
anybody even testified about
and um i mean it
i it left a bad taste in my mouth even
when i
i went over to australia i think it was
around 86
they did an article saying i was uh
reagan's top economic advisor i created
trickle down economics all this stuff
you know without even
calling me and um i i called the
journalist i said it's very nice that i
wore in a full page
article i said but what you're saying is
not true
you know if i'm a a presidential advisor
to reagan i think a thousand other
people are too
just because i was called doesn't mean
they listened and i said i didn't do
trickle-down economics i was art laugher
you know and they don't publish any
retractions but then i went to a
cocktail party the guy accused me of
being the
you know the economic advisor in the
white house i said
no i'm sorry i didn't work in the white
house and then he called me a liar he
says oh you just don't admit that you
you worked for reagan i
was like you people are just too much
whatever you read you just think
you know that's gospel i said it's just
but um this is what we're facing and
it's it's fake news it's been around for
a very long time
uh it is uh let's go back to the
election briefly and then
i want to get into fake news because
it's off the chart too and that's that's
something i know some about because i
worked at
five tv stations to do networks but are
they gonna be able
it looks like trump is tweeting out uh
yeah and we talked about this in a
pre-interview that he talked about uh
that dominion
uh you know deleted 2.7 million of his
votes and
added votes to biden and and then you
got whistleblowers coming up from
the dominion voting systems coming out
saying oh yeah you can manipulate it
whistleblowers saying it was manipulated
i techie people saying it's it's it's an
what do you suppose the level of
was if it's off the charts in the
greatest what was it you said
the uh uh the greatest election uh most
corrupt election in history
what do you suppose the cheating of the
numbers were is it in the
hundreds of thousands on millions it
looks like trump says
definitely millions um more than two or
three million
perhaps even up to 38 million
um this is wow some of the information
i'm getting
from you know behind the curtain up to
38 million
fraudulent votes for biden yeah i mean
it's just
you know it's it's crazy i i've got info
from people that were in canada
saying that even they got balance why
they're not american citizens
uh it's it's just crazy other ones
they're telling me that
their 14 year old daughter got a ballot
um it's this is is
it's just beyond description i mean the
the level
of corruption in this and it's all to
basically take over the government
and you heard you know pelosi coming out
saying that oh we now have a mandate to
change the economy
i mean if even with all this feeling of
the popular vote that they they could
claim is only 50.5
i mean that's lower than anybody in
recent history i mean
when you didn't have a third party
um i think worst case for obama was 51
and a half
so i mean we're not there's only been
three presidents that ever had 60
or more and and that was fdr in 1936 and
only one time
uh johnson after kennedy was
assassinated which was more of a
sympathy vote
and richard nixon when he said we're
gonna bring everybody home from vietnam
other than that if you look at all the
presidential elections
you can google them you'll see most of
them are anywhere between
generally 51 and a half on the low end
to maybe 54 55 on the high end
these are not mandates uh
i personally think that we need a
constitutional amendment that says that
the you know the economic system cannot
be changed without a two-thirds majority
vote period
this is ridiculous i mean i testified
congress i think it was in 96 the house
ways and means committee
and they were asking me why nobody no
american company got
any of the contracts to do the yellow
river dam in china
and i explained them i said look i mean
we tax worldwide income
germany does not so a german company
going in bidding on the same project is
already 40 percent cheaper
and they just look at you with their
mouth open oh wow
really yes you know stop taxing
worldwide income and then maybe we do
but what happens is that
they in order to be competitive
companies have to move offshore
and um you know they go oh it's tax
avoidance no
you know you know it's it's being
competitive on an
international scale it's absolutely
insane with what they do
um and i mean this
environment is very interesting i mean
we've got offices around the world
fortunately our our products can be
uh if we were in a physical type product
we'd be out of business period because
all my staff
i got staff in london germany abu dhabi
singapore thailand china nobody can even
come to our conference
um it's it's i got people stranded
around the world
um and i want to just briefly touch this
election and we'll move off it because i
want to talk about covenant lockdowns
and all that stuff which biden is now
ballyhooing he wasn't doing that in
during the election but
do you think trump can pull this off
he's he's out saying
don't bid against me and he's out
tweeting that uh you know boom
i've got 2.7 million votes just taken
away from me
and that's just the beginning and then
there was all the paper ballot fraud and
everything else and the
sharpies and the dead people and blah
blah blah do you think trump can
pull off a win
legally yes i think the supreme court
can step in here and actually take it
i think i think that would be good for
the country
i mean it would be good for them because
you already have the democrats saying
they're going to completely change the
structure of the united states
i mean they want to pack the court they
want to actually
strip the supreme court of any
to do rule on certain things that they
they legislation they pass
i mean we have a tripartite government
it's supposed to be
you know the legislative the judicial
and and the executive
and they simply want to eliminate you
know the supreme court period
i mean this is outrageous what they're
what they're doing i mean
that's why i've said look this is not a
simple election
between republican and democrat this is
something much more sinister and
the exact thing that they're doing
just look to europe you ha
you do have uh biden you know advisor on
covet oh we're going to lock down the
and they're going to do that in february
and it's not going to be for four to six
weeks it's going to be for months
that's if he gets in if he gets in yes i
mean this
what they're really doing is all you you
have to do
is is look at what these people are up
and it's coming out of the world
economic forum
uh with george soros and bill gates
uh it's the merger of all three of them
if you i mean i put on our site i mean
you know klaus schwab's uh own video
saying you know his eight predictions
for 2030
you will own nothing and you'll be happy
now why will you be happy because
their their idea is to strip
everybody of all property period that's
and then you're going to be giving um
this guaranteed basic income and if you
don't do what the government
tells you to do like get a vaccine or
oh well then your guaranteed basic in
income will be suspended
and how are you going to eat um
this is what they're doing it's the
small businesses if you look closely
democrats didn't want to bail out any
small businesses
and that was before okay why they are
the borghese
and marx in marxism all right um
and if you eliminate the small
businesses which
another lock town is going to do you're
going to have
uh serious unemployment because that
employ 70 percent of the population so
what are you going to do i mean these
people are
uh out to really change everything and
um i mean as you know i mean i've been
consulting with
probably more governments than anybody i
think i've been back and forth with
central banks from
anywhere everywhere from from china to
you know
europe middle east whatever so and i've
been going back and forth to europe on
issue for four years and i've been
telling them
that look the real problem is
they have lowered interest rates in
to negative in 2014. after
six years they have been unable to
stimulate the economy
but they're now trapped they can't
sell debt at negative levels pension
funds are basically
on the on the brink of complete
insolvency in europe
over 50 of them are basically broke
already in germany
uh and so i've been arguing that
look at least convert the debt to a
perpetual debt
uh raise the interest rate to at least
three percent
and but my solution is we keep our
and it's government that has to give up
some power
they don't want that they so they're
turning to schwab
and his solution is with tom you know
thomas picketty
and if you look at it it's basically
pikadee's number one
you know pet peeve is is communism
basically to take
all assets away from everybody
and this is what
he's doing i mean it was the french that
you know marx that socialism wasn't good
enough and had to go to communism
which was their experiment from the the
the french revolution
so you have to you know see what's
happening here and and these people are
looking at if they
um eliminate
all debt all right so there goes your
pension funds
the government no longer has to to pay
off the debt doesn't have to keep
rolling it because that is the real
problem they're
at the end of the rope on that so the
only way
out that they're seeing from schwab is
that it is basically to default
and that's communism you will own
nothing and you'll be happy
so all debt will disappear and all your
personal private
debts all disappear
in the back drop to that so do banks
this is why you have big tech supporting
because why twitter alright
what's he got he has square
facebook what are they doing they've
been trying to put together
their own currency all right these guys
have been
you know dangling out in front of them
they're going to get a piece
of action on every transaction in the
and if the government tried censoring
youtube and twitter uh if they've been
you know
actually doing what these guys have been
you know that's a complete violation of
the constitution
it's a violation of our civil rights
they stand up and say oh well we're not
the government
we're allowed to do whatever we want and
so this is the problem you know that we
i mean they're violating our civil
rights on every which
level you know from someday and you'll
have nothing left
and if you go to our site and look at
prediction from from schwab what else
does he have in there
the united states will no longer be a
superpower it will be shared
among nations in other words that this
is soros's
you know open society only the united
nations will be the supreme government
and so what you have are
politicians handing this because they
feel that
the system's broke keynesian economics
has failed
and their only way to retain power
is go authoritarian i mean i've also
internal memos from germany they're
you know proposing to you know suspend
their elections in august
so in other words you're going to see
there's no way
possible this
contrived pandemic is going to disappear
mass social distancing this is to
prevent civil unrest
i mean i've got a box of mass and i
you know i bought from you know right
from uh amazon and what's it say on
is that they do not prevent disease
so why are people being beaten thrown in
prison if you don't have a mask
right on the box it says that it will
not work
so i mean you have to really wonder what
is going on here i mean
and it's really a takeover and it is i
call a communism
um do you think trump can uh win i
i he's he's acting like he can win
and he says he's going to
do you think he can win and if he does
what happens
look i think either way we're going to
end up in some sort of a civil war
but it's it's clear
and it will probably split south and
and middle of the country against uh the
new england versus you know and
and the west um i mean these people are
the communists
basically uh and it's this is what's
going on i mean
they you know they're using the virus
and climate change
as the justification to do this
they erected a clock i mean i've shown
the picture you've probably seen it on
many different areas but there's a clock
you know from times square uh and
basically it says we got seven years
that's it um i mean
they're using all this to to basically
really change everything that we have
um you know klaus schwab calls it the
you know industrial revolution the
problem is
that nobody ever created the first three
all right it's society that creates it
it it's no government sat down said oh
okay fine we need an industrial
revolution this is how we do it
it is always been
the average person and this is why
communism fails
it rejects human um
rights and and ingenuity
all advancement comes from people not
from government
all right it's um i mean even einstein
said you know
always imagine because if you don't
you can't create and
this is why communism fails and i call
it 3.0 because this is the third
time it's being attempted 1848
1917 with the russian and then
the chinese revolutions uh and now we're
right back
this is you know 3.0 i mean
you would think that they would get over
this nonsense
but it again this is thomas piketty and
you know oh the big problem is uh
inequality of wealth go to any college
and go to a student that works hard gets
an a
all right and say well gee it's not fair
that you have an a and somebody else
has an f they flunked so we're going to
take points from you so you're only
going to get a c
and give them to the person that has an
f and now he'll be a c
okay now let's say this is medical
you need a heart transplant do you want
the one that that had the f or do you
want the one that really had the a
um good point this is human nature come
on you can't
change it like this uh well let's say
i'm trying to get you back into this
trump thing because that's the most
prescient thing right now
uh i think he's gonna win
and you're probably predicting lots of
violence if he does
the mainstream media should be strung up
for calling this for biden
when there's no certification whatsoever
and the fraud is
off the charts you know it your computer
knows it and everybody else knows it too
so let's say trump pulls it off and wins
i think he will
what happens well either way it doesn't
matter if he
if he doesn't win we're still going to
have this violence
i neither side is going to accept
a loss period uh unfortunately this is
what the computer's been projecting
uh that we're going to be looking at
rising civil unrest
these lockdowns that are in europe which
are really really hard
and draconian um
you're going to see revolutions unfold
are going to rise up against this and
um i mean down here in florida
you know it was a republican state
i would say at worst maybe five percent
of some of the small businesses went out
uh you go up to to manhattan i mean it
looks like a ghost town
yeah uh a friend of mine sent me videos
he walked around london
i mean you know almost brought tears to
my eyes i lived in london was
great all these little shops they were
still somebody that made
you know a briefcase by hand you know
all this you know which was handed down
for generations it's gone
gone and that was a at least a third
uh were finished and and he showed me
i used to go to a covent garden on the
a third of the shops were closed before
now with this new lock down the rest of
them are going
that's it that's what they want
and what are you going to have you know
this is never
going back to normal never they have no
intention to going back to normal
um they will keep the mess
even though they don't work uh and
social distancing
and it's been this you know
is how they control people this is
exactly what the stasi did in east
and i went behind the berlin wall with a
friend who
who's the day the wall went up he was
walking on the right side of the street
with his grandmother he was like about
seven years old
um and the rest of his family was
so i went to east germany with him to
see his family i said yeah i want to see
what this is really about
so i actually went through checkpoint
charlie and saw it
and his cousin she would and if
anybody was remotely close to us she
would say oh
it's this is our poetry word they take
such wonderful care of us they're
so great and as soon as and you know
nobody was around they were she'd call
them all that sob you know
or starving here etc and this is what's
um they've destroyed food production i
we're going to have food shortages and
starvation which is already starting in
there's a run on paper products again um
so i mean i you know suggest people you
know stockpile at least
you know minute rice and pasta that
stuff lasts for years
um but this is what's going on i mean
i don't think no matter
what happens trump wins you're gonna
these people that are far left and
they don't care they'll say oh trump
stole it
and no matter what evidence you show
them they will reject it
i think even you know julius caesar said
a long time ago because people believe
only what they want to believe
and that's very true
um what about what happens to uh
the markets bonds gold i know that the
10-year treasury was floating around 0.6
uh and then all of a sudden it floated
up to 0.9 something percent
not a big change in terms of you know
it's still less than a percent but a big
percentage change
uh so what's going on with the let's
start with the 10-year treasury i mean
they set mortgage rates off the 10-year
should be the 30-year i don't know it
just seems like but i know they do the
what's going on with uh with the
interest rates could
could the 10-year float up to
one-and-a-half two percent
and people who bought this this junk at
point six percent could get wiped out
oh yeah no look this is stay away from
government that period
um it just stayed
completely far away from it as you
possibly can
um corporate debt
you know all right fine but uh
interest rates are going up and that's
what this
crisis really is about and why they're
being so aggressive
on this you know government debt
is going to be they continue to follow
schwab they're just going to outright
default that's it
i was at least suggesting a perpetual
but kind of like the old british
uh where they you continue to get
interest you know
uh until they decide to redeem them if
but we're at at
a stage here that government is
completely collapsing you know i've been
warning people that
socialism is collapsing and they all
know no it's capitalism
and no it's socialism because they can't
afford the pension funds they can't
afford all the social benefits that they
have promised
and continue to borrow without ever
repaying anybody
so that's what's coming to an end so the
only way to keep those socialistic
programs going
is basically adopting this uh modern
monetary theory where they're just not
going to issue debt anymore they're just
going to print money
well what does that mean for uh
let's go to what does that mean for gold
and silver i know you're not
a big proponent of it but you have to
consider it
i mean i mean if you're gonna get to
this kind of a situation what do you
uh i still think that
you know you want like silver coins like
the orders and stuff like that
um my only concern about the gold
is that these people are ruthless
they've been already been tracking gold
uh it's taxed for example in france i
know people that
uh my friends there they have it they
buy gold and they ship it to belgium
just to
prevent the taxes on it
they're tracking virtually everybody
that produces gold period
so it's kind of also like the crypto
currencies i mean
do you really think if these people are
what they're doing with the elections
and they're going to default on all this
stuff do you really think they're going
to try and allow
people to have any alternative they're
going after
you know cryptocurrencies they're going
uh gold in the sense that you can't
travel with it anymore
there is a woman that that came from
canada down to san francisco and she had
thirty thousand dollars in gold they
confiscated from her
um so you know there was even a guy from
tampa that flew internally not
internationally and he had a couple
hundred thousand in cash on them to go
some tractors and they confiscated that
so uh they're just into
whatever you have let's just seize it
and you gotta be careful about that so
with gold i you know yes i think it's
going to go up
it will be a store of wealth for this
type of crisis it's a
collapsing confidence in government that
is necessary to make it rise
but be careful do not store it in a bank
do not store it at any
storage facility maybe you got to dig a
hole in the back you know in the
but because if you look at 1930
um when roosevelt confiscated gold if
you had gold on deposit in the bank it
was gone
they did not come down and knock on
every door and ask you
hey you got any gold uh turn it over
that they didn't do
so we have to understand that this
is what we're looking at at this stage
in the game
so they would not be someone who would
uh really looking at anything
on the side of um i would say
ethics or anything like that so just be
mindful that if you had it in a storage
facility they know where those are
and they may do the same thing they did
in the 30s hey that's all ours
you like gold you don't like the vicious
assault against it by the people who are
doing the crap to us now
right i mean that's my concern got it um
not gold you're not concerned about gold
you're concerned about the people that
will steal your gold
yes i mean i'm just saying you've got to
be careful where you
store this stuff at um
for right now the other thing will
probably still
survive uh will be the equity side
and if you notice in this less little
suddenly the dow made a new high and the
nasdaq declined
uh it's a little bit more than bezos
selling off three billion dollars of his
own stock
you know they basically were looking at
and when the dow goes up that's
international capital starting to park
so if you can't trust the banks you
can't trust the government that
what are you gonna put the money stocks
and the best thing you know you can put
it in some you know
stocks and at least travel with it you
so far i mean that may be diamonds you
can and won't be picked up by a um
you know one of these x-ray machines but
uh i mean i think that other than that
and we're just getting into this
situation where it is a war against
us period and i hope trump wins because
you know uh it's it's more along the
lines of
he's our last defense against some of
these people and that's why they've been
trying to steal the election
he's against the climate change
biden said he will rejoin the u.n
that is exactly what they want all right
um if you look at schwab
u.s will no longer be a superpower all
it will be shared among nations coming
out of the u.n
he's got this right in the video um
i mean soros has been anti-american for
a long time um
and your book was held i want to come
back here your publisher
you we plugged a book last time you're
on you said they held it
i said why did they hold it talk about
that i finally got one
copy they at least sent me here uh
that's right you're
and they this has not been sold yet so
this is for sale now correct there's a
story behind it
they i think because on the cover it has
gates and soros
um this was ready in in may
and i got this this copy
the day of the election and this is now
this is now on your site now so i can
link to it anew
and hopefully and i don't get anything
for this folks uh we're not in business
me and martin armstrong i like him but
i have him on because he's smart i don't
we don't use to pay me but i can link to
this book
and and you will be able to sell it anew
after months you'll be able to sell this
book is that correct well we have it on
our site
digital i put it up as digital because
they were withholding it
well i'm going to link to the digital
copy of it and link to your site and
also you
and i want to kind of wrap this up
you've been a fantastic guest i mean wow
i just i might
my head's about to explode uh i know
your computer
does a lot but you're a very smart guy
um but i want to talk about your
conference december 4th and 5th
5th in orlando it's the the world
economic conference will you tell me
about that a little bit
um yeah usually there
um we have clients flying in from around
the world for it
i mean this year we won't be able to
probably just be
americans some europeans who are here
you gotta put it online too we're doing
a virtual online
around world um we capped that at
25 000 attendees because i'm just
concerned it'll be
too much um but
we have clients in absolutely every you
know country around the world i mean
uh so it's uh the computer does forecast
everything from you know romania to you
india so i mean we the fact that it this
a computer that's
writing these reports uh is so
because it's not subject to a personal
anytime i thought something uh might
or wouldn't happen i'm the one that's
wrong and the computer is the one that's
uh and i mean just
on this election and saying that
forecasting that
this would be the most corrupt election
in american history wow
i mean you know i published that two
years ago this is what the computer's
saying all right
i this is beyond what i would have
expected um is the media ever going to
recover from this
i mean they are in a full psyop mode i
mean there's no
journalism whatsoever with this uh the
media i mean i think
fox is already getting pounded people
like newsmax have
jumped up five-fold uh one american news
another uh
fox competitor jumping up and fox is
getting creamed by their own people
and by the the lefties that hate them
anyway is
is the is is the mainstream media ever
going to
come back from this after it's
discovered this massive fraud is totally
and that trump does win is are they ever
going to be able to come back from it
i don't think so i mean in all honesty i
some journalists that are friends of
at some of the major newspapers
and they've been telling me they were
from above there'll be no stories on
um they're no longer journalists anymore
they many of them are realizing they're
just becoming propaganda agents that's
they're not allowed to do any story that
the editor
doesn't want to publish um so
so greenwald basically even the company
that he
helped fund uh and and found it from the
beginning the intercept he left
um this is getting to be really really
serious i mean
the press has been sold uh
this bill of goods and and i published
um on our site you can also look at i
mean just search
durante and um and we'll come right up
the new york times was putting out
fake news during the 1930s and they were
supporting stalin
and saying that oh he's a fantastic uh
and the united states should be
following stalin
and they've always been
communistic this is outrageous
there's a movie i recommend watching
it's called mr
jones it's all about that new york times
attempt to hide the truth and
the reason communism fails is
i said it's it's human nature and
they seized all the farms
it's the farmer who knows when to plant
he has a feeling for things so
all that was usurped and that went to
the government
so what happened was the crops
completely failed
and people were starving so then he
stole all the food from ukraine
seven million people died of starvation
down there
took the food up to russia so he could
pretend that communism was working
and the new york times knew this and was
hiding it
so you know the movie you know mr jones
very very good and it shows you the
danger of of
fake news and here they are once again
doing the same stuff
promoting this great reset
and um it's communism
and you know they may think this is over
you know
it's it's this is good this is what we
have to do for the climate
well they're going to find out they are
selling out not just themselves
their families and their and all
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